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煲机软件 1.27 下载


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MyToneTest is a user-friendly tool designed specifically for breaking in speakers or headphones, ensuring that they reach their optimal performance to fully exhibit their premium sound quality. The term "burn-in" originates from the Hi-Fi speaker industry and is known as "run in" in English. This phrase was first translated by audiophiles from Hong Kong and Guangdong, who vividly captured the essence of the process: using the Chinese character "煲" (boil) from cooking to describe how speakers' sound changes after prolonged playback, akin to the gradual enhancement of flavors in a slow-cooked soup. The software's function is to output mono or composite frequency signals through the frequency meter to reduce the speaker's damping coefficient, thereby improving sound quality and enriching the listening experience. The burn-in process should be gradual, starting with low volume (-12dB) and short duration, gradually increasing the volume (but not exceeding -6dB) in the later stages, and extending the delay time accordingly. Generally, multimedia speakers have a high sensitivity (85~90dB), and with the correct method, an improvement in sound quality can be noticed after 40-80 hours of burn-in. Caution: Improper burn-in techniques may cause permanent hardware damage! Therefore, controlling the volume properly is essential. Too low volume will not achieve the burn-in effect, while excessive volume may damage the hardware. For example, when speakers are played at high volume or with high dynamics, the diaphragm's four-stroke movement may exceed its limits, causing damage to the voice coil and diaphragm or the voice coil to shift and damage the speaker.

Software Features

MyToneTest offers a range of features to enhance your audio experience:

Frequency Meter Output: Outputs mono or composite frequency signals to reduce damping coefficient.

Volume Control: Allows for precise adjustment to prevent hardware damage.

Timer Function: Includes a timer that can be set to perform actions after a specified duration.

Waveform Selection: Offers various waveforms for different purposes such as burn-in, speaker correction, and audio equipment testing.

Phase Settings: Helps identify issues with speaker placement and wiring.

How to Use

Before starting, set the volume appropriately (the default is the safest -12dB) and select the desired waveform. For burn-in, choose "Pink Noise," which has a power spectrum that decreases linearly with frequency, effectively "opening up" the speaker diaphragms to produce a smooth and appealing sound. The emitted waveform is a fixed reverse-phase stereo, allowing you to place the two speakers face-to-face to cancel out the noise and minimize disturbance during the burn-in process. For speaker crossover correction or audio equipment testing, select one of the three waveforms on the left and set the fundamental frequency accordingly. If a waveform other than pink noise is chosen, you can set the channel options. This setting can detect issues with speaker placement. The "in-phase" and "out-of-phase" settings can help identify sound field distortions caused by incorrect wiring of speaker cables. Once everything is set, press the "Start" button to initiate the frequency meter. Since burn-in requires a significant amount of time (about 2-3 hours is recommended), the program includes a timer function. In the timer settings, select an action to be performed upon expiration, input the interval (in minutes), and the timer will start. When the timer expires, the predetermined action will be executed (if standby is selected, the system will automatically delay for 1 minute for user confirmation; if immediate standby is not desired, the "Cancel Standby" button can be pressed to exit the automatic shutdown mode).

