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TwinkiePaste 2.91 下载


大小:2.7 MB





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TwinkiePaste is a versatile tool designed to streamline the process of copying and pasting common text snippets, enabling users to quickly manipulate text with ease. Its robust functionality and user-friendly interface make it an essential utility for those seeking to enhance their productivity. Available for download, TwinkiePaste offers a range of features that cater to various text handling needs.

Software Highlights

Rapid Text Loading: TwinkiePaste excels in quickly loading text, ensuring a smooth and efficient user experience.

Comprehensive Text and Parameter Configuration: The software allows for extensive customization of text snippets and parameters, offering flexibility and control over text operations.

Hidden Phrase Support: It accommodates the concealment of unverified phrases, maintaining privacy and security.

Menu-Based Phrase Usage: Users can conveniently apply phrases directly from the menu, enhancing accessibility and ease of use.

Rich Text Format (RTF) Editing: TwinkiePaste supports RTF editing, providing a rich text editing experience.

Plain Text Content Editing: It also enables users to edit plain text content directly within the application.

Visual Command Addition Process: TwinkiePaste offers a visual representation of the command addition process, making it intuitive and straightforward.

Software Functionality

Text Editing Capability: The latest version of TwinkiePaste includes a text editing feature, allowing users to create and modify text directly within the software.

Basic TXT Text Design: Users can design basic TXT text content within the application, providing a simple and efficient way to handle text documents.

Phrase Configuration Schemes: TwinkiePaste allows for the creation of phrase configuration schemes, enabling users to tailor the software to their specific needs.

Hotkey Setting Schemes: It offers hotkey setting schemes, facilitating quick access to frequently used phrases.

System-Wide Shortcut Integration: Users can integrate system-wide shortcuts into phrases, streamlining the text handling process.

System Log Loading: TwinkiePaste supports loading system logs directly into text, providing a comprehensive text handling solution.

Phrase Document Display: All opened phrase documents are displayed on the main interface, ensuring easy access and management.

How to Enter the License Key

TwinkiePaste offers multiple methods to enter the license key, ensuring flexibility and ease of use:

Method 1: From ZIP Archive

Unzip the license data from the ZIP archive.

Right-click on the TwinkiePaste icon in the system tray.

Select the "Enter License Information" menu command.

Click "Get License from ZIP".

Choose the ZIP file containing your license key.

Locate the twinkiepaste_registration.dat file within the ZIP archive.

Click OK to apply the license.

Method 2: Manual License Entry

Extract the twinkiepaste_registration.dat file and your license key from the ZIP file to the TwinkiePaste folder.

Right-click on the TwinkiePaste icon in the system tray.

Select the "Enter License Information" menu command.

Enter the name and license key.

Click OK to apply the license.

Method 3: Command Line

Open the command prompt.

Use the command twinkiepaste.exe /reg <zip_archive_path> where <zip_archive_path> is the path to the ZIP archive containing the license information.

For example, twinkiepaste.exe /reg zip_archive.zip where zip_archive.zip contains your license information.

Method 4: Start Menu Shortcut

Access the Windows Start menu.

Select the "TwinkiePaste Registration" command from the menu.

Version Updates

Bug Fixes: Addressed various bugs to improve stability and performance.

Enhanced Features: Improved certain features to enhance the overall user experience.
