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New Oriental Cloud Classroom

New Oriental Cloud Classroom for PC is an incredibly efficient network learning client designed specifically for primary and secondary school students. The latest version of New Oriental Cloud Classroom boasts powerful features, tailored for the education vertical, supporting one-on-one learning courses. Parents can freely enroll their children in systematic courses to acquire knowledge, and the platform also allows for interactive learning experiences.

New Oriental Cloud Classroom Image

With a global presence and millisecond-level low latency, New Oriental Cloud Classroom has been meticulously crafted by the top team at New Oriental, providing exactly what every teaching scenario truly needs.

Based on various teaching interaction scenarios, the platform offers a selection of interactive tools. Users can quickly access the system after logging in, providing a seamless and integrated product experience.

Interactive Tools Image

Software Features

Software Features Image

Interactive Large Group Classes: A highly interactive group classroom for collaborative learning, featuring multi-person video, group challenges, and interactive teaching materials, ensuring a strong interactive experience even in large group classes.

Interactive Small Group Classes: A highly interactive classroom that provides companionship and motivation, with full video interaction, peer assistance in completing tasks, and rewards for learning and competition.

Class Types Image

Installation Steps

Installation Step 1 Image

After downloading the installation package from our website, double-click it to open the installation page and click “Continue” to proceed.

Once the installation is complete, log in with your account and password. If you do not have an account, you can register by clicking the button in the bottom right corner.

Installation Step 2 Image Installation Step 3 Image

After logging in, you can test your computer equipment to ensure a better learning experience.
