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AutoCAD 2018 comes with a simplified Chinese interface and supports both 32-bit and 64-bit systems on Windows 7, 8, and 10. The software introduces a variety of new and enhanced features, including a new tool called "Print Studio" for sending models to 3D printers. Additionally, it offers minor updates such as smart annotations and resizable dialog boxes. With AutoCAD, you can accurately share design data with clients and experience the powerful advantages of the native DWG format!

AutoCAD 2018 Features

1. PDF Import

Import geometry from PDFs, including SHX font files, fills, raster images, and TrueType text.

2. External File Reference Repair

Utilize tools to fix broken paths in external reference files, saving time and reducing frustration.

3. Object Selection Persistence

Selected objects remain in the selection set even when you pan or zoom off-screen.

4. Text to Multiline Text Conversion

Convert combinations of text and multiline text objects into a single multiline text object.

5. User Interface Enhancements

Work intuitively with familiar dialog boxes and toolbars.

6. Shared Design Views

Publish design views of your drawings to secure locations for viewing and sharing in web browsers.

7. High-Resolution Display Support

Enjoy a superior viewing experience even on 4K and higher resolution monitors.

8. AutoCAD Mobile App

View, create, edit, and share CAD drawings on your mobile device using the AutoCAD mobile app.

Software Features

AutoCAD 2018 Software Features

1. Streamlined Migration

Migrating is now more manageable with a new interface that organizes AutoCAD custom settings into groups and categories for generating migration summary reports.

2. Enhanced PDF Support

Import geometry, fills, raster images, and TrueType text from PDF files into your current drawing. PDF data can be sourced from PDFs attached to your current drawing or from any specified PDF file. Data accuracy is limited by the precision of the PDF file and the supported object types. Certain features (such as PDF scale, layers, line weights, and colors) can be preserved.

3. Shared Design Views

Share design views securely on Autodesk A360 by publishing them to a location accessible via a generated link. Recipients do not need an Autodesk A360 account or any additional software to view the shared views in any supported web browser, including Chrome, Firefox, and others that support WebGL for 3D graphics.

4. Associative Center Marks and Centerlines

Create center marks associated with arcs and circles, as well as centerlines associated with selected line and polyline segments. This new feature is provided as an alternative method without replacing your current workflow for compatibility reasons.

5. Coordination Model: Object Snap Support

Use standard 2D endpoint and center object snaps to specify precise locations on attached coordination models. This feature is available only on 64-bit systems.

Installation Steps

AutoCAD 2018 Installation Steps

1. After downloading the installation package from our site, double-click to open it.

2. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. Once the installation is successful, you can start using AutoCAD.

