6.08MB 2018-11-01 英语
OneCast for Mac is an application available on the Mac platform that allows users to stream Xbox One games dir...
111MB 2019-02-16 简体中文
CleanMyMac 3 for Mac is widely regarded as the most intuitive and powerful utility for system cleaning on the ...
5.83MB 2018-07-11 英语
ZOC Terminal for Mac is a well-known telnet/SSH/SSH2 client and terminal emulator. With features like tabbed s...
536MB 2018-06-18 简体中文
164.01MB 2018-04-29 简体中文
NTFS for Mac 15 是首个支持在 Mac 上读写 NTFS 外置存储设备的解决方案,解决了 Mac 无法读写外置 NTFS 设备的问题。这使得在 Mac 上修改、删除 NTFS 文件变得简单直观。 新功能 可...
15.65MB 2018-03-26 简体中文
Sublime Text 3 for Mac is an exceptional code editor on the Mac OS platform. It is also cross-platform, offeri...
3.83MB 2018-03-05 英语
Lingon X for Mac是一款运行在Mac OS平台上的系统服务配置编辑工具。它是一套功能全面的解决方案,旨在帮助用户快速、便捷、高效地构建和解决线性、非线性和整数优化模型。Lingon X for Mac配备了...
1710.08 2018-04-19 简体中文
KnockKnock for Mac is a software designed to reveal applications that have been repeatedly installed on your M...
215MB 2017-06-26 简体中文
Visual Studio Code for Mac is a free, open-source modern lightweight code editor that supports features like s...
192512 2017-09-02 简体中文
Kaspersky for Mac 是一款备受推崇的杀毒软件,专门为苹果电脑用户量身打造。它能够检测和清除针对 Mac 和非 Mac 系统的恶意软件,同时自动更新病毒库,为 Mac 用户提供了坚实的保护层,并增强了他们对...
2.84MB 2017-08-06 简体中文
AppCleaner for Mac是一款专门为Mac OS设计的卸载工具。它能够彻底删除应用程序及其相关文档,无论这些文档散布在您系统的哪个角落。只需简单地将应用拖入AppCleaner窗口,它就能快速而安全地卸载应用...
5.13MB 2017-08-29 简体中文,多语言
Onyx for Mac is a free system maintenance and configuration tool that is renowned on the Mac OS platform. It e...