Vibration Toolbox App is an extremely professional and practical utility tool. The software features include unit conversion, vibration calculator, target spectrum editor, vibration table, and more. The home page provides unit conversions for various measurement units, vibration parameter calculations, impact AVD range calculations, and the ability to compute acceleration, velocity, and displacement values based on your input of random, sine, or impact targets. The software is designed to be user-friendly and straightforward, making it a great choice for professionals interested in these tools. Download it now and share your experience!
Software Features
- A quick unit converter for switching between common measurement units (e.g., acceleration, velocity, displacement).
- A vibration calculator for computing sine, impact, PSD to RMS, logarithmic gain, and offset percentage.
- Input your random, sine, or impact target spectrum to calculate the required acceleration, velocity, and displacement values.
- Find the ideal vibration table for your target spectrum based on attributes like force rating, maximum velocity, and displacement.
- Enhance your vibration testing system by searching our vibration controller products, supporting up to 512 channels per system.
Vibration Toolbox App Quick Guide
For general calculations:
1. Open the app and find and click on the "Vibration Calculator."

2. You will find the desired calculation functions in this interface.

Software Advantages
The Vibration Toolbox App offers a variety of advanced features, including a multitude of powerful tools for measurement, programming, mobile gaming, image creation, and more. Almost everything you need can be found within this app.
Software Highlights
- Find the ideal vibration table for your target spectrum based on attributes like force rating, velocity, and displacement.
- A quick unit converter for switching between common measurement units (e.g., acceleration, velocity, displacement).
- Input your random, sine, or impact target spectrum to calculate the required acceleration, velocity, and displacement values.
- Enhance your vibration testing system by searching our vibration controller products, supporting up to 512 channels per system.
Update Log
v1.1.4 version
Vibration Toolbox (1.1.4) - Added App filing number display - Regular bug fixes - Regular function updates
包名: com.crystalinstruments.VibrationUtilities
md5: 4851A32F5702492AF08219AE1D40B562
备案号: 浙ICP备15040379号-4A
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