AIBAIEN App is a professional fitness software dedicated to providing accurate and data-driven health experiences for fitness enthusiasts. It supports Bluetooth connectivity with a variety of smart fitness devices, including jump ropes, dumbbells, ab wheels, body fat scales, hula hoops, rowing machines, wrist strength balls, resistance bands, scooters, dynamic exercise bikes, treadmills, and more. The app records your workout process in real-time, features a leaderboard to boost your motivation, and employs historical average data analysis to prevent cheating.
How to Add a Jump Rope to AIBAIEN App
1. After opening the app, register an account. Once registered, navigate to the homepage and click on "Add Device."
2. You will find various fitness devices under AIBAIEN. Select the smart jump rope from the list.
3. Check the box to confirm the fast blinking indicator. This is to ensure the jump rope device is blinking fast. Then, click "Next."
4. In the next step, enable Bluetooth on your phone and the device to pair. Once paired successfully, the connection is established.
App Features
1. Multiple Modes
Timer/Counter/Countdown/Reverse Countdown/Freestyle Training/Calorie Burn.
2. Group Fitness
Compete with friends, classmates, and close ones in various group challenges to encourage each other's health.
3. Leaderboard
Stay updated with real-time leaderboard information and strive for your championship.
4. Workout Data
Access real-time data updates and past workout statistics to track your fitness progress.
5. Anti-Cheat Function
Compare the average movement data per minute with historical averages to estimate the authenticity of your workout data.
6. Share Your Workout
Share your workouts with a single click to keep your motivation high and make fitness fun.
App Highlights
1. Scientific Fat Loss
Help users lose fat efficiently by strictly controlling carb and fat intake, which only becomes apparent when body fat percentage decreases.
2. Scientific Muscle Building
Customized training plans and programs based on individual body data, combined with a balanced diet, make training more effective.
3. Diet Planning
For those with health needs, controlling and planning your diet is crucial. Refer to our app for guidance.
Update Log
v1.0.2 Version
Fixed known bugs.
Optimized data transmission between devices and the app.
Enhanced user experience.
v1.0.1 Version
Fixed known bugs.
Added interactive features to enhance user engagement and enjoyment.
包名: ai.bai.en
md5: 7DDF6C247C3B666289FE2FA587B952FB
备案号: 未备案
隐私政策: 立即查看 权限说明: 立即查看
国寿AI健康 v2.5.0 安卓APP 99.14 MB /
精气 v3.3.7 手机版 13.29 MB /
跑步健身助手 v6.8.0217 安卓版 51.05 MB /
健管助手 v3.8.2 官方版 107.22 MB /
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小编简评:女生月经期助手,专为女性经期定制,可以精准预测经期、记录经期,智能推算排卵期、黄体期、卵泡期,是女性大姨妈记录好帮手!【主要功能介绍】:1、 精准预测:经期、排卵期、黄体期、卵泡期 精准预测。2、 经期记录:一键设置,方
呼吸部落 v1.8.2 安卓软件 165.55 MB /
癫痫中药秘方 v14.0 官方版 33.07 MB /
每天计步走 v1.0.2 安卓APP 40.99 MB /