
Software Features
1. A brand new, free K-line training and trading practice software!
2. Full K-line records of all classic stocks in China, allowing beginners to quickly practice judgment through real stocks.
3. Real-time simulated trading, offering a comprehensive view, ensuring never to miss a profitable opportunity!
4. The most comprehensive stock trading basics for beginners, an essential resource for novice investors!
5. Earn honor points through K-line practice and trading training. Accumulate honor points to receive generous rewards, truly combining learning and earning!
Function Introduction
1. Four simulated stock trading modes: "Stock King Challenge", "Multiplayer PK", "Bulls vs. Bears Battle", and "Invite Friends to Battle". These modes allow stock traders to repeatedly simulate trading and compare profitability through player-vs-player challenges. This year, the second cash challenge has already been held.
2. "Real-time Simulation" and "Stock Trading Competition" - Synchronize with the A-share real-time market, buy/sell at market price, follow the T+1 rule for selling stocks, and simulate A-share real-time stock trading with virtual coins.
3. "Double-Blind Training": Start with a simulated trading capital of 1 million, reset on the 1st of the following month, to intuitively verify your profit/loss within a month. Remember, only double your profit to share your chart!
4. "Targeted Training": A 5-level royal fortress in simulated stock trading K-line practice. Self-select/random stocks, simulating 2.7 years of K-line trends within 1000 K-lines.
5. "Futures Training": Detailed to 15-minute, 30-minute, and 60-minute K-lines, multiple intraday line switches, multi/short 3-hand operations, supporting random futures and custom selection, a must-have tool for short-term stock trading.
6. "Intelligent Stock Selection" and "Stock Diagnosis": AI scans the entire market daily, combining historical stock data and the unique neural network system of Stock Master, to timely issue buy/sell signals for the next trading day, selecting hundreds of high-quality stocks for user reference.
7. "Stock Academy": Detailed classic stock trading cases and graphic teaching from single K-line to K-line combinations, moving averages, trading volumes, MACD, KDJ, etc.
8. "Stock Community": A bustling user group where traders exchange insights 24/7, a gathering place for simulated stock trading, futures simulation investment, and real-time simulated trading competition enthusiasts!
9. Other simulated stock trading games: stock indicator training, conditional order training, futures PK battles, and stock market predictions.
Function Introduction
1. Users can browse various stock trading basics online to accumulate more knowledge.
2. The software features a competition mode where users can engage in online stock trading PK with other users.
3. Through the stock chart information provided by the software, users can quickly understand stock price movements.
4. Users can practice here to master more skills and details about buying stocks.
5. Users can simulate stock purchases here to understand the entire process of buying stocks.
6. The software provides learning opportunities for users to learn more about stocks.
Update Log
v4.22 version1. Optimized K-line training data.
v4.19 version1. Fixed bugs in daily, weekly, and monthly K-lines in real-time trading and reverse chronological order.
2. Fixed bugs in AI signal loss.
3. Updated futures data.
包名: com.jujing.stock
md5: 960CB3B63A08934B3B105FDBAC8CB2C4
备案号: 未备案
隐私政策: 立即查看 权限说明: 立即查看
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Go-Goal v5.5.5 安卓应用 75.75 MB /
小编简评:作为朝阳永续旗下的智能金融终端,Go-Goal为股票、ETF等资产提供全方位的投研数据、配置工具及交流服务,同时也是连续六届新财富最佳投资顾问评选的官方指定平台。十年Go-Goal,与AI同行,全力ALL IN ETF。
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小编简评:免责申明: 360手机助手仅为信息发布平台,不对发布的金融产品信息真实性及准确性负责,也不提供投资、、贷款等服务。360手机助手和金融产品之间不存在任何关系,不构成任何担保或承诺。提醒您使用此类应用时提高风险意识,勿将身
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