
Software Features
1. 【Welfare Society】Offers high-quality corporate procurement, employee and office supplies, which can be exchanged with points.
2. 【Business Card Holder】Automatically recognizes and saves business cards upon scanning, providing data management for a vast number of client business cards.
3. 【Rapid Approval】Employees can quickly initiate applications for leave, reimbursement, business trips, advances, etc., while management can approve them anytime, anywhere.
4. 【SMS Sending】Clearly distinguishes between read and unread messages, with a one-click reminder for unread messages, ensuring 100% delivery of important corporate notifications.
5. 【Internal Address Book】Company employees can make calls with one click, quickly finding contact information at critical times.
Office JC6app Tutorial
1. Open the software downloaded from our site, enter your username and password to log in;

2. In the messages section, users can view the latest messages sent to them;

3. Click on the address book, and users can find the address book for all personnel in the company;

4. Click on the office section, which provides users with settings for work processes, work communication, and other work-related functions;

Software Functions
1. Diversified Approval Forms - Multiple forms of approval opinions, including voice, photo, and handwritten signatures.
2. Convenient and Fast Mobile Punching - Mobile attendance is convenient and fast, with real and valid punching within a specific range.
3. Avoid Work Omissions - Communication business message reminders are actively pushed in real-time throughout the day to avoid important work omissions.
4. Flexible Mobile Office - Leave, business trips, expense applications, and reimbursements can be processed on the go.
5. Fast Retrieval of Knowledge Solutions - Mobile knowledge base allows users to quickly retrieve sales, R&D, production, and other types of knowledge solutions.
6. "Listen" to Reports - Voice reading of unread diaries allows users to "listen" to their subordinates' work reports.

Technical Characteristics
1. J2EE Framework adopts non-invasive IOC/AOP pattern programming; the mobile end uses H5 to perfectly realize mobile office business.
2. Centralized Deployment and Hierarchical Authorization - Supports multi-member corporate groups with complex organizational structures operating across regions, meeting the requirements of thousands to tens of thousands of users using the system simultaneously, with high concurrency requirements.
3. Flexible Upgrade Mode - Modular product design allows for overall or module-by-module upgrades at the user's discretion.
4. Cross-platform New Experience - Helps users communicate anytime, with PC and mobile login to the system, providing more flexibility and choice in IT.
Supports MSSQLServer and Oracle databases.
包名: com.jinher.jc6oa_01
md5: 3519618ABC98A5C8202BB84B10B83B47
备案号: 京ICP备09088703号-19A
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