宝宝出行安全 v9.86.00.00 官方版 育儿亲子 立即下载
超级宝贝JoJo v2.6.65 安卓软件 育儿亲子 立即下载
爱维宝贝 v7.0.7 安卓软件 育儿亲子 立即下载
宝宝修车店 v9.86.00.00 官方版 育儿亲子 立即下载
宝宝巴士世界 v10.00.79.02 安卓版 育儿亲子 立即下载
育儿宝宝相册 v4.6.3 安卓软件 育儿亲子 立即下载
宝宝学称呼识人物 v3.5 安卓应用 育儿亲子 立即下载
宝宝建城市 v9.85.00.00 安卓应用 育儿亲子 立即下载
宝宝小火车 v9.86.00.00 安卓版 育儿亲子 立即下载
宝宝小厨房 v9.86.00.00 安卓版 育儿亲子 立即下载

Software Features
- Learn consistently and earn scholarship rewards. By completing the daily 20-minute learning task, you can earn cash rewards for persistent study. Plus, there's a 200 yuan scholarship challenge waiting for you.
- Choose from a variety of comprehensive courses. The app offers popular "Internet celebrity" courses such as Pandora Oral Course, Pandora Listening Course, Pandora Pronunciation Course, Pandora Travel English, and more to meet all your English learning needs.
- Combine learning with practice, ensuring practical application. With explanations and teaching by Chinese and foreign instructors, and a variety of input and output exercises like "listen and repeat" and "role-playing", the app helps you learn by doing.
- Real-life contexts for effective scene-based learning. Core knowledge points are integrated into real-life situations, and the "scene-based memory method" allows for rapid mastery of these points.
- AI-powered pronunciation correction and real-time feedback. Combining English learning with AI technology, the AI teacher is available 24/7 for one-on-one practice, providing real-time feedback to help you speak English confidently.
Function Introduction
- Pandora Oral Course: 180 days to master fluent oral expression. With 18 minutes of practice daily, you'll learn core template sentences, practical scenarios, and engage in AI-powered conversations to make everyday communication effortless.
- Pandora Travel English: 50 days to easily master travel English. Learn English conversations covering 99% of real travel scenarios, ensuring a smooth and language-free international trip.
- Pandora Pronunciation Course: 50 days to master authentic American pronunciation. Systematically learn American English pronunciation, master 48 phonetic symbols and 9 pronunciation techniques, and speak with confidence.
- Pandora Listening Course: 100 days to develop sharp English listening skills. With selected listening materials and effective practice, you'll overcome listening barriers, watch American dramas without subtitles, and easily understand BBC and VOA.
Software Highlights
- Learn English consistently and earn scholarships.
- Learn from Chinese and foreign instructors who break down knowledge points.
- Receive real-time feedback from AI teachers for online communication.
- Benefit from a scientific course system and community-based learning.
Update Log
v1.6.3 version: Fixed the issue of app crashes during word playback.
v1.6.0 version:
- Extended the validity period of the popular VIP feature.
- Optimized the system experience.
包名: com.qingclass.pandora
md5: 2288B2844604328C78D1DD869552DEEC
备案号: 京ICP备15049349号-60A
隐私政策: 立即查看 权限说明: 立即查看
宝宝出行安全 v9.86.00.00 官方版 96.99 MB /
小编简评:【宝宝出行安全】涵盖电梯安全、马路安全、商店购物安全等宝宝出行安全主题,通过互动,展开出行安全的知识启蒙。· 宝宝知识启蒙之马路安全过马路要认准斑马线,紧握大人的手,遵守交通规则:红灯停,绿灯行,避开川流不息的汽车,保证
超级宝贝JoJo v2.6.65 安卓软件 76.45 MB /
小编简评:欢迎光临宝贝赳赳的世界!全 网热播的宝贝赳赳系列儿歌动画故事,【超级宝贝JoJo】全都有。【超级宝贝JoJo】记录宝贝赳赳的成长,展现赳赳一家的日常故事,满满的爱与欢乐。【超级宝贝JoJo】——宝贝赳赳系列儿歌动画故事,
爱维宝贝 v7.0.7 安卓软件 274.13 MB /
宝宝修车店 v9.86.00.00 官方版 110.27 MB /
宝宝巴士世界 v10.00.79.02 安卓版 166.07 MB /
育儿宝宝相册 v4.6.3 安卓软件 29.88 MB /
小编简评:时光荏苒,宝宝在不知不觉间长大,您需要一款APP全程记录宝宝成长的美好瞬间。育儿宝宝相册是一款辣妈必备育儿工具,从怀孕到育儿,帮您记录宝宝每一次变化,记录分享每个小美好。【精美相册】 随手拍摄上传宝宝的成长点点滴滴,轻松
宝宝学称呼识人物 v3.5 安卓应用 33.19 MB /
宝宝建城市 v9.85.00.00 安卓应用 99.61 MB /
宝宝小火车 v9.86.00.00 安卓版 87.83 MB /