Welcome to Youtoo 爱听说
Youtoo 爱听说 is an English listening and speaking assessment software that utilizes artificial intelligence to provide students with immediate pronunciation feedback and correction.
It offers a wide range of content resources, including synchronized practice, phonetics learning, listening and speaking tests, special training, topic projects, audiovisual materials, and situational dialogues, making practice engaging and fun.
The software integrates knowledge points from English textbooks into situational dialogues to help students develop the ability to speak English fluently. It also improves listening and speaking skills subtly.
In addition, the app provides exclusive mock test banks from professional middle and high school entrance exam命题组, allowing users to simulate exams and test their real English level. This aids in continuous learning and prepares students for important exams with ease.
Software Features
1. Learn textbook content anytime with personalized learning paths synchronized with the textbook.
2. Engage in fun dubbing exercises to improve speaking skills through entertainment.
3. Practice standard pronunciation with corrections, professional assessments, and speaking exercises.
4. Access exclusive mock test banks provided by the middle and high school entrance exam命题组 for practice anytime.
How to Register for Youtoo 爱听说 App Account
The Youtoo 爱听说 app account is provided by teachers. After selecting your region, you can log in directly. The account is free for the first month of use. For long-term use, please contact customer service for purchase.
Simple Usage Guide for Youtoo 爱听说 App
1. Download and install the Youtoo 爱听说 English app from our website, then open it.

2. Choose your region. Currently, the app is only available in the regions displayed on the software.

3. After entering the page, you will see your assignments. Incomplete assignments can be made up.

4. Enter the mock exam page, where the app offers mock test questions and various exam preparation packages for different regions.

5. In the practice page, users can engage in various speaking and shadowing exercises to master speaking skills.

Software Highlights
Listening Plan: 7-day and 30-day listening plans to encourage daily learning and develop lifelong habits.
Sentence-by-Sentence Training: Each article is broken down into sentences for thorough understanding; if you can't understand, use the scratch card.
Spelling Practice: Intelligent fill-in-the-blank exercises with hints for difficult words.
General Listening Practice: With Chinese and English subtitles, immerse yourself in 10 minutes of listening practice daily.
Software Advantages
1. National mock test bank for anytime practice.
2. Easy scoring for exams.
3. Massive textbook and homework synchronization for practice.
4. Simple and efficient homework completion.
5. Instantaneous pronunciation evaluation for accuracy.
6. Standard pronunciation with immediate feedback.
Update Log
v2.6.66 version: Improved user experience details.
包名: com.singsound.xuehu
md5: 76283CBBE66D30E6C115A6D6D2206666
备案号: 粤ICP备20072992号-2A
隐私政策: 立即查看 权限说明: 立即查看
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