TalkLine for Mac is a video conferencing application designed for Mac computers. It leverages low-latency, high-quality audio and video services to provide comprehensive real-time sharing and collaboration control, ensuring smooth communication across various scenarios.
Software Features
Crystal-clear, smooth, and high-fidelity sound
With top-notch echo cancellation and noise suppression modules, TalkLine eliminates echo and feedback, automatically adjusts microphone volume, and maintains superior audio quality even in challenging environments, far exceeding that of traditional phone calls.
Dynamic video quality adaptation
Utilizing proprietary intelligent routing and weak network adaptive algorithms, TalkLine ensures smooth streaming while automatically selecting the most suitable resolution. Even with 30% packet loss, it delivers 1080P ultra-high-definition video without screen tearing or stuttering.
High concurrency real-time interaction
Supporting up to 32 simultaneous microphones, with latency as low as 200ms, TalkLine guarantees excellent two-way communication performance. With over 200 core nodes globally deployed, it supports millions of concurrent viewers.
Whiteboard collaboration
With multi-page whiteboards and a variety of drawing tools, TalkLine allows ideas to transcend distance and encourages creative thinking through collaboration.
File sharing
Freely share documents in various formats, such as Office, PDF, and images, from personal and corporate cloud drives. Multiple devices can simultaneously annotate content, and it also supports synchronized playback of multiple audio and video files, making presentations lively and interactive.
Screen sharing
Based on screen size and network conditions, TalkLine strikes the perfect balance between quality and performance, accurately presenting desktop content and action sequences.
Complete control
Hosts and administrators can grant and revoke permissions for general members, control hardware devices, and even remove participants to maintain room order.
Background management
Setting up an exclusive control panel for organizations, administrators can independently manage user accounts, meetings and courses, as well as shared files.
Data reporting
With proprietary private transmission protocols and full-link encryption, critical information is summarized and presented in a graphical format, ensuring traceability.
Based on our technology, we offer two solutions:
TalkLine is a real-time video interaction and communication software. Leveraging robust real-time communication technology, excellent compatibility, and scalability, it provides solutions for video conferencing and online education.
Video Conferencing Solution
This solution effectively integrates mobile collaboration systems, cloud video interaction systems, and online meeting systems, creating a convenient one-stop software service platform for audio and video interaction and data sharing.
Online Education Solution
This solution supports interactive small-group classes for up to 32 participants, dual-teacher classrooms, and large-scale live classes with no limit on the number of participants, covering various types of education and deeply replicating offline teaching scenarios.
包名: 暂无
md5: 42d31133f4acefa93209844733853071
备案号: 未备案
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