ACE Studio for Mac is an AI-powered vocal synthesis software that revolutionizes music creation. By inputting MIDI and lyrics, it utilizes a diverse array of professional AI singers to generate vocals, making the process of song creation simple and efficient.
Software Features
Cutting-edge AI Vocal Synthesis Engine
ACE Studio employs an uncompromising full-stack AI technology. While tirelessly enhancing the naturalness of vocal lines and the expressiveness of performances, it also pushes the boundaries of synthesis speed to new heights.
A Wealth of AI Singers at Your Disposal
With over 41 high-caliber AI singers, ranging from pop to folk, children's voices to rock, and fluent in Chinese, Japanese, and English, ACE Studio caters to every musical production scenario. All official AI singers come with clear commercial licensing terms, with the vast majority available for free commercial use.
Fine-tuned Emotional Expression
Vocal performance is not just about lyrics and pitch. ACE Studio allows you to control various AI singing parameters, including breath, voice, falsetto, tension, and dynamics, ensuring that every emotional nuance is captured.
One-click MIDI and Lyric Recognition
Drag and drop dry vocals into the singer track and say goodbye to the hassle of inputting notes and lyrics. ACE Studio simplifies the song creation process to an unparalleled level of efficiency.
Vocal Line Mixing: Blend and Customize
Utilize a rich variety of vocal seeds to mix and match, adjusting timbre and singing styles to quickly meet diverse vocal and stylistic requirements.
Custom AI Singer Creation
Upload your dry vocal data and, in just a few simple steps, ACE Studio's AI can replicate your unique vocal tone and style.
How to Use
Input MIDI and Lyrics: Begin by inputting your MIDI file and lyrics into the software. This will serve as the foundation for the AI to generate the vocals.
Select Your AI Singer: Choose from the wide range of AI singers available, each with their unique style and voice.
Customize the Performance: Adjust the AI singing parameters to reflect the emotions and nuances you wish to convey in your song.
MIDI and Lyric Recognition: For added convenience, use the one-click recognition feature to automatically convert MIDI and lyrics into the AI singer's performance.
Mix and Match Vocals: Experiment with vocal line mixing to create a unique blend of voices and styles.
Customize Your AI Singer: If desired, upload your own vocal data to create a custom AI singer that sounds just like you.
With ACE Studio for Mac, the possibilities for vocal creation are endless. Whether you're a professional musician or a hobbyist, this software empowers you to produce stunning vocals with ease and efficiency.
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